Saturday, July 30, 2011

What is "the good life"?

Do you think turtles and tortoises feel global inequality the same way humans do?  The above African Tortoise lives in Africa - a symbol of strength, surviving on foliage as those around him avoid starvation with whatever scraps of nutrients they can find.  Meanwhile, in America, a three-legged African Tortoise gets a wheel glued to his shell so he can scoot around happy and free on the streets of Washington.  Which one is "living the good life"?  Is it better to roam free in your natural habitat or be pampered in an alternate reality?  I believe Pokey prefers the latter, but perhaps I'm merely justifying keeping her in a terrarium so I can monopolize her inspirational powers...


  1. cute. and thought provoking. i love the way you think ;-)

    this quote is worth the price of admission: . "I read a lot of wacky news as research for my silly rhyming poetry blog."

  2. Hehe. I'm glad you like the way I think and describe myself and my life. :)

  3. Rachel,
    I think all turtles are living the life no matter where they are globally.


  4. The turtle and tortoises of this world are my mothers anchors to the earth. No matter where they live, she admires their lives.

    I love this, makes ya think for sure.

  5. They are here to teaches us...without any human made boundary.... "concentration, slow but steady definitely you will survive and achieve your goal...."

  6. Very informative and thought-provoking at the same time. I wonder what the turtles have to say about this issue... hmmm... :-)

  7. Great post! Reminds me of how some try to justify trapping wild animals and putting them in zoos. That they will live longer lives not having to come in contact with predators, etc. I think it all depends on the animal...for sure your Poky has it made! :)

  8. Thanks for the comments everyone! :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who eajoys pondering these things. :)
