Monday, June 4, 2012

Pokey and Samantha Recommend Free Kibble

Sometimes Pokey stares at her "sister" Samantha like she loves her (and vice versa), so I thought she would want me to share this link with you where you can answer a trivia question a day to help feed shelter pets.  You don't even have to get it right!  What are you waiting for?  Go feed a dog or cat today with a simple moment of your internet browsing time.  Pokey and Samantha (and the happy tummies of shelter pets) thank you for supporting the cause.


  1. My dear friend,
    The pictures are filled with innocence and beauty. Pets are part of the family as you know and we should always love and take care of them. Give them a KISS for me (smile). Thanks for sharing.

    1. Samantha thanks you for the compliments and sends you a big snuggle. :)
